Grey Mullet

Grey mullet sustainability varies depending on the species and region, with some populations facing conservation concerns. While some species of grey mullet are abundant and resilient, others have experienced declines due to factors like overfishing and habitat degradation. Wild-caught grey mullet is commonly captured using various methods such as gillnets, seines, and traps, which can result in bycatch of non-target species. Fish farming or aquaculture of grey mullet is practiced in certain areas, but it also presents challenges related to feed sourcing and potential impacts on wild populations.

Our Recipes for Grey Mullet

Grey Mullet Escabeche

Grey Mullet Escabeche is a delightful dish where cooked grey mullet is marinated in a tangy mixture of vinegar, olive oil, onions, garlic, and a blend of spices. Served chilled with the marinade as a delicious sauce, this escabeche showcases the delicate flavors of the fish while adding a delightful burst of tangy and aromatic notes. It's a refreshing and appetizing option that brings a Mediterranean twist to your dining experience.

Fish Tacos

Fresh fish tacos are a flavorful and versatile dish. The fish is seasoned, grilled or pan-fried, and served in warm tortillas with toppings like shredded cabbage, diced tomatoes, avocado, and a tangy sauce. These tacos offer a delicious combination of flavors and textures, perfect for a satisfying meal.